First, we need to download and install Python. You can download it from Python wesite ( Choose a proper version for your system. This is the core engine of Python.
Second, we need a so called editor. There are variety of editors, but here PyCharm will be used. Free version of PyCharm (PyCharm Community Edition) can be downloaded from here (
Open PyCharm and test it whether it works. Your PyCharm editor will have window like this at the bottom. Make sure to activate Python Console and try 3+4 whether it says 7!
Virtual Environment
What is a virtual environment? This is a static copy of Python in a folder. It is needed to prevent any contradictions among different versions of Python and various libraries. So, you keep the best working version of Python virtual environment for your specific project. You can create/assign one by File –> Settings –> Project: [Your project name] –> Python Interpreter.
That’s it.